[membuatwebsite.biz] Email configuration settings for “[email protected]”.
Email configuration settings for “[email protected]”.
Mail Client Manual Settings —————————
Secure SSL/TLS Settings (Disarankan)
Nama pengguna:
[email protected]
Kata sandi:
Gunakan kata sandi akun email.
Server Masuk:
* IMAP Port: 993
* POP3 Port: 995
Server Keluar:
* SMTP Port: 465
IMAP, POP3, dan SMTP requires authentication.
Pengaturan Non-SSL (TIDAK Disarankan)
Nama pengguna:
[email protected]
Kata sandi:
Gunakan kata sandi akun email.
Server Masuk:
* IMAP Port: 143
* POP3 Port: 110
Server Keluar:
* SMTP Port: 26
IMAP, POP3, dan SMTP requires authentication.
A .mobileconfig file for use with iOS for iPhone/iPad/iPod and MacOS® Mail.app® for Mountain Lion (10.8+) is attached to this message.
This notice is the result of a request made by a computer with the IP address of “” through the “cpanel” service on the server.
Tampaknya lokasi komputer jarak jauh adalah: Indonesia (ID).
The remote computer’s IP address is assigned to the provider: “PT TELKOM INDONESIA PT. TELKOM INDONESIA JAKARTA”
The provider supplied the following remarks about the IP address allocation: “These IP was used for PT TELKOM Indonesia’s infrastructure”
The system generated this notice on Senin, 11 November 2019 at 04.59.42 UTC.
Do not reply to this automated message.
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